
Next-generation social media.

Decentralized, ethical, and censorship proof.


Disperse.Network is a next-generation, decentralized social media platform.  It is time to move past centralized platforms that track, profile, and censor you.  No one, not even us, can censor content on Disperse.Network.  By tightly integrating microblogging, social networking, and image/video sharing and streaming we will enable new types of engagements.

Disperse.Network: Next-generation social media.  Decentralized, ethical, and censorship proof.  By integrating microblogging, social networking, and image/video sharing and streaming, we’ll break free social services that track you, profile you, and censor you.

Decentralized Network

Disperse.Network will operate with decentralized nodes, ensuring that nobody—not even us—can censor or control the conversation.  Free exchange of ideas and information are essential to human progress.

Content Creators

Professional content creators will appreciate our approach to monetization, with multiple streams of income and a larger revenue share than current platforms.

Integrated Platform

Disperse.Network will tightly integrate microblogging (like ), social networking (like and ), image and video sharing and livestreaming (like , , and ), increasing engagement across each social media genre.

Ethical Advertising

Disperse.Network will not track or profile you.  All advertising will be ethical, and users can choose to skip the ads by allowing us to use your idle computing power or paying a small subscription.


Consensus Moderation

Unlawful content will not be allowed on our platform.  This content will be moderated by consensus to ensure that free speech is not censored, but obscene content is.


Complete Privacy

On Disperse.Network, you can be as open or as private as you want to be.  We will not trick you into revealing more than you want, or creating privacy controls that are “opt-in” only.  Strong privacy is our default, you can opt-in to what you’d like to share.

Crowdfunding Campaign

You can support the development and launch of Disperse.Network via our crowdfunding page here (we accept credit and debit cards, cryptocurrency, and PayPal), or on Disperse.Network’s GoFundMe pageBTRIC will give all donors to this crowdfunding campaign 10 Disperse tokens per dollar donated.  Ensure we have your email address so you can learn how to claim your tokens later this year.

Credit/debit cards or cryptocurrency

Contribute to Disperse.Network

Contributions to BTRIC and/or BTRIC UK may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Contact your tax advisor for information specific to you.

By contributing to Disperse.Network’s crowdfunding campaign, you give us permission to email you with updates about the project.  We will not use your email for any other purpose and you can unsubscribe at any time.



A Project of BTRIC's Innovations Incubator Program

Blockchain Technology Research Innovations Corporation logoDisperse.Network is a project of the Innovations Incubator program of Blockchain Technology Research Innovations Corporation (BTRIC).

BTRIC is a non-profit economic development organization that works with promising projects that use cutting-edge technology.  Our Innovations Incubator program is a business incubator and startup accelerator that builds great products and services and then launches them as independent businesses, investment-grade, market-ready, and primed to take on the world.

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